some memories

Created by Lizzie 4 years ago

Song that will always remind me of Sarah - Wig-wam-bam - sitting in her little car driving down the road with the music blarring (me trying to hide in the seat)

Film/TV programme - (80s version of course) - The Lion the Witch and the wardrobe - I made Sarah watch that loads! as she had it on video

OR - Cool runnings! - I can't remember how many times we watched it, but we both had a copy

Embarrasing moments - Us trying to recreate the school play for Sarah's parents in their front room - it involved us rolling around on the floor as catapillars and then crawling into a sleeping bag where we 'transformed' in a very ungainly way into beautiful butterflies - emerging to dance round the room.

Great times - summers of water fights round the road (we lived just round the corner from each other)