Chess tournament

Created by Lizzie 4 years ago

I have so many stories from our primary school days, but one that always makes me laugh was the chess tournament we took part in representing Pickhurst Primary school - it took place at another school (no idea which or where) on a warm summer Saturday when the last place you would want to be was inside playing chess, but we were both keen to represent the school and take part.

The day went badly for me loosing I think every game I was scheduled to play and I think Sarah had the same fate - either way we were both pretty fed up come lunchtime and still had another couple of hours of this to go , so we decided to run away - hoping to find a telephone box to call for backup (it was before the days of mobile phones).

We did our best secret agent impressions trying to look subtle as we crossed the playground to the front gate, crouching down to avoid detection as we ran out and along the lane to the main road - we didn't know the area and had no idea which way would be the best bet of finding a phone at this point we chickened out and had to face making our way back into the school before anyone noticed we were gone - as it turned out nobody noticed, and we had to spend the afternoon loosing some more chess games.